A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Back to New York

I knew I had to come back to New York, to empty my room and give a conference (which reminds me I should really finish writing it). But after I had booked my plane ticket, I received a call saying my grandmother had been brought back to the ER for pneumonia. Here's the thing: my mom, aunt and I all, at some point, told the nurses that there was something wrong with grandma's breathing. But they were in such a hurry of sending her to rehab that they put it all on the surgery. Then they woke her up on Saturday, saying that she wasn't breathing properly and they were sending her to the ER. She was like: really? She couldn't understand what the fuss was all about! I visited her before leaving for New York, and she was ok-ish. It's still weird to be that far, though...

So, Bunny and I took the plane. And now, we are back in New York.

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