
Whew...what a day. Drove up to Eugene to visit our son. Well, it was kind of a 'two for the price(gas) of one'! The hubby has been itching to make a costco run. So, we met up with Son#2 and visited for a minute then he had a quick thing to do so we went and did our costco thing. Is it me or is shopping at costco exhausting??? Or, maybe I just wasn't up to it today. It was pretty busy and the husband had to go down EVERY aisle. ugh. I was ready to get out of there. Met back up with S#2 and had a bite to eat. Then, he showed us his new room in the house he shares with several other guys. Showed me his books from his Old Norse language(yikes) and his Swedish classes then we hit the road for home. Glad to be here!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!

Happy Sunday

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