Having taken well over 15 minutes to upload I can no longer be arsed to write it up, it will have to wait till tomorrow.
I took the 75-205mm zoom up to the park, remembering that I have birdlife right on my doorstep. In order to get a decent exposure with an f-stop that gave me enough exposure latitude I had to up the ISO to 800 for a lot of the handheld shots I took of birds in flight but for this I was ok at 100 as the swans were very static as they preened themselves. It was a a lot more windy than I expected, it being rather sheltered in the street when I left the house so I had to cut short my visit as I was woefully under-dressed and freezing after about 20 minutes.
Most of the rest of the day was housework oriented, last weekend was rather filled with a combination of SSX and football so very little got done. I did manage to squeeze in a trip to the gym and we watched 'The Three Musketeers' in the evening (rather pants despite the OTT special effects and martial arts style fighting).
Jen got a new iPhone today and I have been persuaded to take over the contract on her old one (she panicked and got one on Orange as O2 had none in stock at the time and she doesn't get enough indoor reception from her range phone and so has been carrying two around for the past several months). Not a big fan on iOS but it does kill two birds with one stone as my current contract runs out soon and as I am on Virgin who are on T-Mobile's network who in turn have been bought by Orange I am assuming my coverage will remain the same.
- 0
- 0
- Olympus E-P1
- 100
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