Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Wanna'see what Mr W erected ...

TAHHH DAHHHHHH... my new little seedling house :D
Roomy it is..... well,clearly I had to remove a shelf to squeeze in there...
Brought my seeds,got my new bags of dirt and away I shall go this week,propagating like a mad woman.Last year we had flowers galore....lets hope this year shall be as fruitful.
So today again with the good weather,Lucy and I cleared out the old play house they never use and now it is my garden shed,we put shelves in and all my 'stuff' and then Mr W did a 'tip' run.. now called refuse run.....I prefer saying going to the 'tip' but apparently that is very un PC.Mr W mowed the lawn,Lucy washed all the old play food and tea sets that had accumulated in the play house and we have sorted the broken bits and kept the good bits for Jake to play with.
DDLC popped in for a cuppa and the children played out the front on scooters and bikes..... then I introduced DDLC to the joys of a TV show called 'Bridezilla' where horrible horrible women go mental and vile and abuse all those around them whilst organising their weddings.... DDLC was aghast ...I love it.. makes me realise I am fairly reasonable.....
Then to top it off England win IN France.... and I am joyus....AND THEN.. Mr W orders a Chinese takeaway to be delivered.... huurraahhh I say.

p.s Lucy took the photo.

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