This is not what it looks like...
I know,it looks as if Lucy is to smash Archie over the head with that garden spade,but she is actually playing with him,for Archie is mad for garden tools and 'fighting' them....Lucy and Charlie (who is not in shot,and has not been smashed with the spade either) were clearing the leaves and Archie goes wild for the rake and the spade,he actually drools in excitement...
What glorious weather !! the kids,as in mine and Alice and Charlie were out in DDLC's back garden all t shirted up ... spring is *maybe* springing !!!
Mr W erected something for me today in the garden... I might blip it tomorrow .... it's very lovely.
Also I purchased some seeds,and shall begin my propagation tomorrow....
Operation garden tidy has commenced and half the decking has been scrubbed and power hosed....
ohhh and we ordered our tent this morning :D
p.s yes Lucy IS wearing a white fake fur stole and white trousers to clean the garden up.... don't ask.....
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