Devil's eyeballs
I think I've made my feelings on tomatoes quite clear. I seem to have ended up with lots due to a bit of optimistic overbuying at Costco. So these ones are all lined up for oven-drying.
Our son survived his first proper day at nursery very well, indeed he couldn't get away from me quickly enough and didn't even say goodbye (another cold nail of indifference in my heart ;-))
He was delighted to see me at the other end of the day and was full of stories about what he'd been up to. This presented a little problem: our son has a bit of an issue with consonants and just replaces them all with the letter 'd' (so 'nursery' becomes 'derdy'). Normally we get along just fine and I almost always know what's he's saying. But then since I'm with him all the time I know what he's been up to and what he's likely to be trying to say. Now though, there'll be a whole bit of his life that I don't know about, so I don't have a clue what he's describing! Time to work a bit harder on those speech therapy exercises I think....
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