Another dull chore-filled day, enlivened only by our son's first full-on screaming tantrum in the high street. It was pretty funny, though I'm not sure me laughing at him really made things any better (but if you'd seen him you would have laughed too).
It's a lovely evening here* so after dinner we headed off for some footie. I've given up trying to ref the 'games': our daughter's a bit of a shirt tugger, and our son just tends to fall on the ball and lie there until everyone gets bored and wanders off. I think maybe football is the wrong sport for him. Speaking of kids and sport, Katherine (daughter) is still very determined to be an Olympic runner (though I have managed to convince her that 2012 is a bit ambitious - she'll be 11).
I explained fartlek training to her tonight (run for a while, then walk to rest, run again, run really fast, run normally, run fast, run normally, repeat to fade, or at least that's how I remember it) and after she'd got over the funny name and tried it she collapsed on the ground and gasped "I think if I'm going to be an Olympic runner, I'd better get used to running a bit". No, really?
*ie not raining.
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