Optic Nerve

By BillFroog

... and you're welcome to it!

I remembered!
It was school out time. Luckily the parking situation magically resolved in front of me - as I dove down the dead-end system of roads, suddenly recalled from a GuglMap session the previous week. I'd seen the graf in question on a website, found out where it was and saw that I often drove closely past on my way to do the weekly organic veggie shop. Dodging hurrying parents & their sproggish charges, I parked up & grabbed a snap of this smartly realised piece, alongside our main automobile-arterial tarmac - the M32 into Brissle.

Stokes Croft furnished me with plenty more, similarly blipworthy images, but this one set the tone for the day and remained in 1st place.
A close second - simple text freshly sprayed onto a red-brick wall. Subtly exaggerated by a stepful of hunched bus stop passenger-to-be, looking patiently dejected (id patently ejected?). Executed in a slightly stylised mix of upper & lower case and framed by orange handrail & black railings, it simply stated:
"With all your powers - What would you do?"

Answers on a postcard please..

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