A year of adventure

By sjones

Days 61 to 65

Monday 5th December:
We didn't do an awful lot today. I had a couple of bits of work to do for William and then we just relaxed today. It was nice to just be able to spend some time with Sam chatting and doing nothing in particular.

Tuesday 6th December:
We did some work this morning and then cleaned up the house a bit and sorted stuff out, then this afternoon we went across the bridge onto the reserve the other side to take photos of the club for the brochure. In the evening we had just had dinner and I was making coffee when I stepped on a bee in the kitchen. It was already dead but it's sting went into my foot, which really hurt. I was stung by a bee as a child, but I don't remember it. I took some antihistamine tablets and put some cream on it and went to bed fairly early. Siseko had sorted out the wendy house today so I got to sleep in my own bed again, which was nice.

Wednesday 7th December:
I spent today in bed on and off as the bee sting gave me the most horrendous headache, so I didn't really do much today and poor Sam had to look after me because I was ill. In the evening we went over to the club for the social sports evening. Sam went and played cricket with the guys and Stacey and I sat and chatted. I stayed over there until Stacey had cooked the burgers for them and so she could go behind the bar again and then I came over to the house and went to bed.

Thursday 8th December:
We didn't do very much today, we looked through some old photos and realised that last time my family stayed at Leeuwenbosch it was Stacey that checked us in, which was rather odd. I still felt a little under the weather today, a bit like someone has taken my brain out and replaced it with cotton wool. Sam and I decided to hire a car, based on the advice of Bruce, one of the cricketers, as it wasn't as expensive as we thought it would be. So we are going to collect that tomorrow in PE. We had dinner and watched ashes to ashes for a while and then went to bed.

Friday 9th December:
William came through for a meeting this morning and to see Sam. At about 11am Sam and I left as we had a lift through to PE. We went and collected the car, which was a cute little red Mazda 2. We then came back to the house, via Colchester and Nanaga, which was nice as the Nanaga farm stall is very cute and I wanted to show it to Sam. Then we came back here and sorted a few things out and had dinner. This evening was the Ulovane Graduation Party. Ulovane is the ranger training school on Amakhala. We had to stay at the club until 8 o'clock incase anyone came here, as the club is open on a Friday night. By the time we were ready and we left it was about 9. Sam drove there and home so that I could have a couple of drinks, as I always end up as the driver. We left at about 3 and came back to the club and Sam and I both went to bed, while Stacey went over to the club with a couple of the rangers and they carried on partying.

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