A Cheese Board Still Life

My 'mislaid' friend from Ayr rolled in on the Glasgow bus at the appointed hour having been taken round parts of Edinburgh she hardly knew existed because of the tram route diversions.

His Lordship in his bounteous capacity of Dower House chauffeur drove us home for a lunch expertly assembled by me.

I should point out that nothing got burnt in the assembly thereof, which is miraculous in itself given that out tongues never stopped wagging and concentration on food preparation was minimal.

His Lordship has unkindly remarked on more than one occasion that I'm one of the few people he knows who can burn a pizza; but there were no pizzas today, only rather posh quiches.

This is the cheese board for dessert. However the brie refused to behave and stayed stubbornly on the hard side. Obviously I'm not meant to win them all.

My friend had done an amazing amount of homework, bless her, and could point out various landmarks round about the Dower House that have appeared in my Blip journal. Full marks and a gold star, Lesley. In fact 2 stars and top of the class!

We just had time for a stroll round the policies before she had to leave.
Now with our guest safely on board the bus for her three hour journey home, I can post my blip while watching the shadows lengthen on the grass outside, remembering today's laughter and reminiscences.

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