
Not being known for my culinary skills, I thought to illustrate that I can gather together the ingredients to produce a modest pan of soup for a long lost friend who is coming for lunch tomorrow; long lost only in the sense that we have mislaid each other for too long, our friendship saved only by the annual Christmas card.

I think she knows what to expect in the lunch line, at least she does now, should she read this post. It will be nominally lentil soup but with everything bar the kitchen sink in it. Should it fail ( but how could it?), there's a tin of tomato soup lurking in the cupboard.
Of course there will be other gastronomic delights to whet her palate, but assembled rather than cooked by me.

His Lordship is bearing up well to yesterday's exposure of my journal on Bliplog, but I detect a certain gleam in his eye which denotes that my 15 minutes of fame are now well and truly up; enough's enough, and he will be pulling my feet back down to terra firma.
However the imminent and anticipated arrival of my camera case from 'The Scotsman' newspaper may yet tip him over the edge.

One of his walking companions was insensitive enough to remark to him yesterday that it seemed that the pupil was surpassing the master.
Nothing could be further from the truth, but I'm not encouraging him to become a blipper. I maintain that, like artists, one blipper is enough in a couple, certainly in this pairing!

Thanks to all of you who were kind enough to read the Bliplog and comment. It's been a fantastic two and a half years of blipping, with the resulting journal that otherwise would never have existed, and friends both real and virtual whom I have met on the site.
A special big thank you to Blip central who have given publicity to my journal on the site and in Saga magazine.

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