Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol


What wind and rain we had to try and sleep through last night. It's been quite a while since we had such extreme weather.

I can't remember the last time that this waterfall, at the side of road on the way home, had any water - it's about a 30' drop.

Despite the heavy rain though, the sun has come out again - long enough to take this blip.

By the way, I really admire people who do sensible things like label the contents of the stuff they put in their freezer.

I had my face all shaped for some of Christine's leftover chilli (ala Nigella), so put on the rice and started to defrost.

I now have a bowl of goulash and a bowl of bolognese sauce nicely defrosted, and the chilli is in the microwave (I think)

Tomorrow is a busy one - teaching classes, then teaching piano, then going to Kyle for a gig on the boat.

Many apologies, Dog's Dinner and BB - it will be a quick in and out (said the actress to the bishop). I arrive at 8, have my tea, do the gig, and hopefully get away by 10. I will definitely get in touch if there is a possibility of saying more than a quick 'hello' on the pier! I am still holding you to that ravioli offer!

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