Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

On a Clear day

It was a horrid day for cycling, I peddled around looking for a new perspective on the day.

With the wind and the rain hitting me from all directions it was Castle Mount that held my attention for a good while. It is an Ancient Monument that affords the viewer a grande lookout post over the City Centre.

I stood at the top being battered by the winds, I always have been a bit of a dog with its hard out of the window. The smell of Spring seemed to tease your nostrils as the gusts of wind twirled around me. It was soon off to work, but first a coffee and a muffin.

I had a good day.

My thoughts for tomorrow will be placed firmly with my Bestest Buddy who is going into Hospital for a Spinal Procedure, I'm hoping that this will be the start of a new life for him. A life of less pain and more movement. Here's to you my Chosen Brother....good luck!

In fact, may fortune smile on us all.........

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