Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Faces of Fiona #49

Sshsssss! Fiona has just put several "babies" to sleep in little beds with blankets covering them and I am being told to Sshsss (have no idea how to spell this but you get the idea....) Yep, tuesday: our day with her. Very cold -even snow flurries here this morning but then the sun came out so we went to the zoo (with hats and mittens.) Had a great time, she's full of vim and vigor and self determination. 4 rides on the carousel and she happily gets the idea without complaint(or screaming) now, 2 at the beginning and 2 before we leave. Leftover pancakes for lunch, and then the nap that didn't happen. She played in bed for over an hour and then got up. Not so good. So H also missed his nap, but I got 1 hour of quiet time. then we had to get out too many of my old dolls to play with....just like her sister did.....Now we are plunked on the couch in front of the TV watching amazing political returns, but a movie is in order in a moment!

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