Little Kingdom

By icemaiden


H must have been tired out after her weekend with the grandparents as she slept all night and didn't wake up until 8am! I took H to my ante-natal appointment this morning and she was very well behaved, sitting quietly whilst the midwife dealt with me.

Afterwards, we went to Chatelherault Park to meet cousin L and my brother. The girls enjoyed running around, playing on the chute, the train and mainly getting covered in sand! H ended up filthy. We stayed for a couple of hours and then headed off around lunchtime to go to Asda. Unfortunately, this did not meet with tired H's approval and I had to carry her crying to the car. Not easy at 40 weeks pregnant. I also picked a dodgy trolley at the supermarket so ended up in agony battling with the trolley and the toddler! She had a long nap in the car on the way home, and it was only after she woke up that I realised that her trousers and underwear were actually a bit damp from sliding down the wet chute! No wonder she was grumpy. Never mind, a change of clothes and a few jelly babies cheered her up.

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