It caught my eye

By Pixiemo

Pig in Puddles

So inspired by some of your amazing photos I decided on sunday when I saw it raining heavily that I would go outside take some artistic photos and act like a real Pro ...
So this I did and in the process got pigging soaked as my jacket was more down than waterproof and my boots a bit leaky ..
However I had the shots and now all I had to was make some amazing amendments by processing them slickly ( is that a word ?) and then I would be done ....
Firstly I was not sure if they were actually that good , but given that it was still pouring down decided that they would do and as me and my camera were both a tad wet so decision was made !!!
So to the processing , well I have got camera bag sussed ( me thinks ) so surely I can make these puddles and raindrops look like something that Powercut would do or even dancing ninja or perhaps even the kirstie G ....
I was dreaming again !!!
So my photo in the end to me looks quite like a very large PIG in a dirty PUDDLE ??? not quite what I hoped for but the main thing is I am trying ..
On the very very big flip side I saw Rebecca Adlington swim and win gold in an awesome race in the evening at the British Swim competition and to top it MARK FOSTER in the flesh well not bare flesh but close enough even cuter than the talent last night !!!
Cant have it all I say .. oh sorry no photos as my lens was too small , yes I had a bit of Lens envy yesterday too ..
Keep inspiring me you guys out there I am not pigging down trodden yet !!!

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