One Day Like This

By sennema

Chennai buzz

While I'm writing this it's the 5th of March already, and yesterday I edited this photo and wrote a whole story about our arrival in Chennai. But this is India, so any given time electricity fails you and deletes everything you've done so far. Almost everyone has a special tool to prevent this, but my aunt's was broken and repaired but we (i.e. J., the only man here at the moment) didn't install it yet.

So that's just one of the marvels of India: where we're staying there just isn't enough electricity and from 8-10 AM and 2-4 PM it gets disconnected regularly. In a country where almost nothing is regular, it gets disconnected irregularly quite a lot. What I wrote about our arrival in Chennai: the smells, noises and impressions are even stronger than in Sri Lanka. There are just so many people, customs and places these people want to go to, it made me look around and grin for a whole night. Even the heat and the mosquitoes in the hotel didn't get me down. It's such an experience to be in a tuk-tuk, look at another tuk-tuk packed with people (including little children at 11 PM), racing around a gazillion other tuk-tuks, taxis and holy cows and fear for one's life at the same time. A world on it's own.

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