Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Buttery Rose

Thankfully when all else fails, I can walk out into the back yard and almost always find something worth pointing at and clicking. I look at this rose and really want to think that if I placed it on a baked potato, it would melt like butter. It looks creamy and delicious.

This has been an okay day, but I have not accomplished all that I wanted to. Today is my mom's 86th birthday. (I think I have her age correct.) She died in 1983 when she was 57. I've written about her before here in Blip on this day and on Mother's Day. I wanted to write about her today. I wanted to include a new story, something I haven't written before, but the block wall in my writer's life stands solid and tall this evening. I think that is happening a lot lately. While I detest that happening and think I should just skip posting a blip, I know better. I have to write, even when what I produce is drivel.

I miss my mom a lot, more than I let myself dwell on, and more than I ever describe here, but in my lack of inspiration tonight, one thought that does overtake all others, is . . . the reality that I have not had to deal with Mom getting old and weak and feable. Too often lately we are caught-up in the concern of how to take care of Mr. Fun's aging, widowed mom. She is a people-person -- absolutely loves socializing, but in the 4-years that Mr. Fun's Dad has been dead, his mom has become a recluse. She refuses to go anywhere and she refuses to let others come into her home. The TV is the only sociaization she gets. She talks about people on TV like they are her friends. For Mr. Fun her behavior is aggrevating and frustrating. He knows that she thrives on being with people. He thinks she is going crazy because of the lack of relationship in her life.

So I'll write about my mom some other day -- when the block wall crumbles.

I know my day went upside down when the phone rang early this morning and it was our granddaughter, Desiree, in Oklahoma. She wanted to let us know that she has been "invited" by a girlfriend who has a child about the same age as Desiree's little boy Tristan, to come live with her and her daughter and her mom (who I think finances this situation). They live in Santa Maria -- that's approximately a 4 hour drive north of us. Desiree was calling us because she needs airfare and knows that we have airmiles.

So the two of us, that would be Mr. Fun and myself, had differing opinions about this situation. I think Desiree's situation has gone from bad to worse to dismal. Moving back to California because a friend has said, "Hey, you can come stay at our place" seems like a lousy reason to come back. She is "sofa surfing" (hey you can sleep on our sofa!). The complication is that Tristan is currently in California with his dad. Back in October, Desiree let Tristan's dad take him and she is having a difficult time getting the Dad to return Tristan to her. I have mentioned in the past here on my blip page that our family photo is in the dictionary next to the term "dysfunctional family." Desiree keeps adding another dot of glue to that photo. Sheeeeesh!

One positive trailmarker on this day, though, is that 24 years ago today we learned that we were going to be grandparents. I confess that at the time we were not exactly thrilled. In a brief amount of time we planned a wedding and watched our daughter become a wife and then on September 19th our granddaughter Ashly was born. She has been more than a delight in our lives.

So that is the story of today and the only thing pretty here is the flower. But you know, Mama said there'd be days like this!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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