
At my parents' house today. Arrived late last night, Ben wanted to go to bed, and Charley had THE worst tummy ache EVER. Eventually he gave up a couple of mahoosive burps that took him quite by surprise and then screamed some more until I lay down next to him. Bedtime...

Pretty tired as a result this morning but we have sorted through a few boxes, located a few more, found treasures and junk, and been out shopping as well. I finally have a pair of summer shoes and summer slippers, and Ben has a pair of new trainers. AND, bargain of the day, a biker jacket for a fiver!!!!

Best treasure of the day was a photo album from 1989. I was queen of stating the obvious back then. I've written on the sleeve of each photo with what it shows. "A flower" "More flowers" "Milky drink time"

And the legend at the end of the album reads:

All of these Photo's have been Taken When Jenny was 8 years old.
It was 1989 when they were taken, and In May. Christopher and ]Matthew will be your Uncles and ________ and ________ will be your Auntys.

And to top off a good day, I put both boys to bed earlier, one on each side of me, and when they fell asleep crept out of bed. That was over two hours ago.

I've had time to have a shower, and had conversations, and been able to blip. And had a cuddle with Maisy, one of the cats.

Not a peep out of either boy!!!

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