Moos views

By moosviews

who's the boss

A quick trip to Peterborough to let M spend her birthday money and us spend some voucher money. M got some very good deals so still has some money left and we even had time to visit the cathedral. Unfortunately couldn't go in due to a service being on, but managed to get a picture of this boss in the porch. I'm presuming this boss represents the trinity, although not precisely sure as could be the crowning of the virgin?

Luckily shopping trip also involved the purchase of a camera case which means I can finally take my camera out. Hopefully I can start taking clearer photos on a more regular basis.

Nice day out made even better by meeting The List Lady on the train. It's been too long since I last saw her and was fun to catch up. Also, may I say, she looked amazing, which I should have told her in person.

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