Who am I?

I'm a mum, wife, daughter, granddaughter, librarian, knitter, reader, volunteer, teacher, cleaner, cook, baker, accountant, gardener, crafter, tv slob, photographer.

The order of these change and flip about and now and again some drop off the list and new ones come in.

Why take par

Who am I?

I'm a mum, wife, daughter, granddaughter, librarian, knitter, reader, volunteer, teacher, cleaner, cook, baker, accountant, gardener, crafter, tv slob, photographer.

The order of these change and flip about and now and again some drop off the list and new ones come in.

Why take part in blipfoto?

Too remember the good times and the bad. To take time to look past the end of my nose and notice the beauty in people, places and objects. To stop and reflect. To be me.

You can see more of the crafty side at Millie moo's musings