A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Adventures in Never never land.

A joke between my best friend and I, I live in Ningbo China, she calls it Never, Never, Land. This is my dinner. Yeah, not the greatest picture but it happens to be the only picture I took tonight. Sorry guys. I've been so so busy lately. My residency was officially solved this week and I get to stay here in beautiful Ningbo. ONe of my favorite parts of Ningbo is street food. This is potatoes cooked first and then fried with onions chives and like ten different spices, some of it curry, some of it white pepper, amazing, the egg is boiled in tea and has wonderful after tones of cinnamon and nutmeg, and the meat? Well its mystery meat. I have no idea what it actually was, it tastes a tiny but like some sort of fishy something.. Ahh adventures. I bought five beers no not all for tonight, a Vitamin C drink and some cookies for desert. Overall it costs me 40 kwai, street food is cheap and beer is cheap when you buy it and take it home, particularly chinese beer. Other than that everything is expensive.

Today my day consisted of two demos and a class. So much fun, about fifty percent sales. WOO!!!! So much work. I love it, in all honesty. I made kids giggle all day today, whether it was in my class, or it was in the kids I worked with in Demos. I love my job, I make magic for kids, and they laugh and its pretty much awesome.

There are still days when I am healing, days when my dark and twisty sides come out. Days, when all I want to do is hide in the depths of who I am and be just me. There are still days when the heart that I've held or hearts I've held still hurt me. Life is so complicated and I am learning to navigate the paths that I follow. I love it here, it is beautiful here. So my adventures in Never,never land will continue, working for the magic kingdom. Working for Disney,where my job is to make kids laugh and to play with them.

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