A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Evening sun

Caught this on my drive home tonight. I know, I know its bad idea to take pictures while I am driving, but it was so pretty I coudln't help it. I was at a stop sign if it makes you feel any better.

The last few days have been insane, working twelve hour days at work, we have a big event saturday and the students are leaving tommorow. I fly out Saturday, spend all day in Vegas then come home that evening, its going to be a loong day.

Anyways, I am off for the evening, meeting up witha friend for a bit then heading to bed hopefully around ten.

A thought to leave you with "Oh, the journey is long that leads to happiness, the journey is long that leads to this point of change. When your handed the world in the form of a ball shaped figure, do not discard it so easily, but instead hold it tightly less you be faced to learn this art of losing."

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