Stern, boxing, and a 5 mile jog

Started today very early and for the first time I got to listen to the entire Howard Stern show from beginning to end live. I've been a fan now for over 2.5 years and that's the first time I heard it live all the way through. Doesn't really change much, but kind of fun I guess.

After that 5 hour start went to work where I was greeted by no A/C (it broke, hopefully fixed tomorrow). Went to green grocer and saw Casey, cute little owner over there. She's one of those people that just means good and can always make you smile. After work I came home and jogged for 5 miles. I wasn't planning on going for that long, but I was re-watching the Hatton Mayweather fight, which I'm sure isn't a favorite among the european blippers. I had quite a bit of money on Mayweather though last December, so I was glad with the outcome =) It's definitely not a great bout, in fact it gets annoying during a lot of rounds, but it was nice to revisit it since it's been about 6 months since I watched it.

Lately I've been watching the 2nd meeting of Bowe Vs Golota. Not that anyone cares, but Bowe gets knocked down very early on and looks like he's done, but then in the next round with no facial expression or body posture change he starts fighting with a incredible amount of power. So much that he not only took the 3rd round, but in the 4th he hits Golota with 4 overhand rights in a row knocking him down for the first time in his professional career. Golota unfortunately comes back later in the fight and would have won, but Bowe is like a brick wall and I always felt Golota became extremely exhausted and rather than just ride it out and win w/points instead hits below the belt and gets disqualified (maybe thinking he wouldn't be able to ride it out?). Bowe and Golota actually fought on multiple occasions and on each time Golota was disqualified - the first time it caused a riot in the stadium (has to be on youtube). I used to really dislike Bowe, but only because he was able to take down my personal favorite Holyfield. However, after reading more about him and watching his fights I really respect him. I actually feel really sad for the guy, he easily had the potential to be a boxing legend, but due to a number of personal issues his career kind of stalled and never went anywhere. One of those guys that I wonder where he is now...

So now that anyone who possibly read that paragraph is asleep I'll just say that then I listened to more sirius where I heard a 9 minute version of Jackson Browne - The Loud Out/Stay, which is exactly why I love satellite. There is no way regular radio would play a 9 minute version of a song now a days, but whatever.

Also, got my bears tickets today, I took this as a backup shot in case I didn't get anything else worthy of shooting - and I didn't.

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