A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Educational nostalgia

It has been a day of culture :-)

After a steady start to the day and some dishes washed it was time to head over to uni to meet the lovely Heather to travel into Edinburgh. We started our culture session with a visit to the National Museum. I have now been to the museum a few times, however I an yet to cover it all and there is always plenty to discover! And of course, there's fun to be had in the interactive sections ;-)

Then it was off to the theatre! I studied Of Mice and Men at GCSE and remembered quite enjoying it. So when I realised it is in Edinburgh and that student tickets are £5 it seemed worth checking out! As far as I can remember it is the first play (as opposed to musical) that I have seen, but I really enjoyed it! Lennie was just as I remembered :-)

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