A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Flip flops & freckles...

...are on the horizon, I feel!!

I'm losing track slightly, but I think this is at least the fourth dry, blue sky day we've had in a row :]

I'm realising it's not so much the warm weather I love (although I do!) but blue skies :] there's just something wonderful about the simplicity of them.

That said, I'm looking forward to being able to comfortably break out the flip-flops and the weather feeling as good as it looks!

Last night I slept 10 hours. 10 hours!!! I was feeling pretty sleepy around about 9pm but forced myself to stay up a little longer until 10. Woke once or twice in the wee hours of the morning but was soon back snoozing until just before my alarm at 8.30am :]

I had big plans for tidying up, getting books for the library & then hitting the books for an essay-writing sesh. But after a glimpse of the blue sky through the window there was no way I wasn't going outside first!

These pretty little flowers are gracing the side of the road just by my flat and this was taken as they were opening up a bit more fully. The off-centeredness is annoying me a little, but this was my favourite of the bunch I took :]

Happy Monday indeed!

Hopefully the rest of the day will be a little more productive, though my head is abuzz with thoughts so we'll see how that goes! :]

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