
I got a tip-off yesterday that there was lots happening in a little pond that I usually pass when I'm out cycling. The information received was correct. The croaking of the frogs was very loud. I wasn't able to count them all but I would estimate that there was at least thirty frogs, possibly more.

Safe to say I didn't cycle very far as the frogs presented me with quite a challenge trying to get a decent shot. The pond is surrounded on three sides by a high rock making the location very dark. The slightest movement and they would quickly submerge themselves under the water. I had to crouch down close to the water's edge resulting in pins and needles in my feet. As there was nothing to steady the camera on many of the shots were out of focus.

Not sure I am happy with this shot. I would have liked to have given a sense of the amount of frogs present but they were pretty well spread out making it tricky to get many into one shot without loosing some detail.

May have to go back.

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