Break Time

By ElaH

You may die in 30 seconds.

This sign was on the door to my block of flats..... I always find it strange that they use the same fire alarm sound to check if it is working or not. I mean initially this sounds a bit silly but surely they could use a different tone or something so that we can differentiate between a possible real fire and them checking it. In those 30 seconds we could be trapped by fire..... the odds of this happening are very slim and i'm really just ranting for no reason....

Had a seminar today for my Statistics class.... i think i'm in way over my head at the moment, i hate feeling like i can't do something! I need to work on my math skills A LOT otherwise there is no chance in hell i will be passing that module. Went to the library until half 11 tonight to try and understand the utter poop a bit better.... i got maybe a 10th of what i wanted to get done and still not feeling much more confident. Will keep at it though!

Tomorrow i'm going into town to get some new headphones - The left ear has broke... always happens with headphones! properly annoying!!
Going to a shop called The Wee Photoshop too - they are a small business just starting up doing lots of things within the community so i'm going to offer my help and try and get involved. They said they really like my photography on Facebook so they can maybe help me start up the selling :)

Then it's off to the library again *sigh*

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