Break Time

By ElaH

Slave Labour!?

Clearly a new Tescos has opened - they plastered a ridiculous amount of these posters all over the uni - thought it was quite amusing that someone wrote this on them.

Today i had my first Psychology Practical Lab - we were practising hooking someone up to a machine to record their Galvanic Skin Response (Sweat really) and their Heart Rate to an unknown stimulus. Practising as next week we have to do the same thing under proper experimental conditions and then write a Lab Report about it.... not going to be fun!
I volunteered as a practice subject and everyone agreed that i should get myself checked out by a doctor cause my results were all over the shop haha - had a Peak-to-Peak (lowest point to highest point) response for Heart Rate of 143 beats per minute... preeeetty sure thats not right. I'm putting it down to the machine... it was obviously broken just when i was the subject haha. But really, there are a lot of reasons why the results could have been like that - i'm sure i'm fine!

Spent the rest of the day/night in the library again... it's becoming my second home.

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