Mermaid Fountain

Trip up to Liverpool today to visit Mum. After breakfast (#2) we went to Southport. Chris was on the look out for a blazer for an event later next month, not sure what Mum was looking for but bless her little legs she managed to walk the full length of Lord St with only a stop at Debenhams for a cream tea.
We then dragged her into Gallery 1 just a bit further up to show her a fascinating picture of Modern Liverpool which was painted in 1097 but as the artist was privy to certain blueprints of buildings which where going to be built, he included them in the painting. She was quite enamoured of some of the pictures on display particularly one of "the dockers umbrella" otherwise known as the Overhead Railway which was demolished in 1956. She remembered going on it when she was younger.
She was to knackered to walk back to the car so we left her sat on a bench whilst we went back to the car and then drove back to collect her.
This is the Mermaid Fountain which was commissioned in 1914 and renovated in 2008. The Connard family had it designed to stand in front of their palladium which is now occupied by Sainsbury`s...

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