Another exciting day

Ben texted first thing to let me know that the helicopter due to go into the Maritime Museum was waiting to be lifted over the fence. So Red and I headed down to watch. It is painted half in the RAF colours and half in the Navy.

Still on a bit of a high I decided to clean bathrooms when we got home. So Red decided to unravel 3 brand new balls of wool all over the lounge...

After the school run I continued untangling the wool and Red continued his trail of destruction - felt pen on the back of Lily's door, oil paint on Ally's Lego and to top it off, he possibly (he still doesn't really speak so couldn't tell us) drank the half bottle of water dechlorinator for the fish tanks I'd moved while cleaning the bathroom...

A trip to Minor Injuries later and Red is safely sleeping and Ben and I have lost a couple more years off our lives...

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