Basket Case

I joke that this child will send me to an early grave but really I am not joking...

Normal steady kind of day today - the highlight was taking Bob the chicken into school. Red class (reception) have hatched some chicks over the last week so I offered to take a grown chicken in. The children and the chicken all behaved beautifully. I was very proud of them all.

Then Clareylarey took Red and I on a quick jaunt to Dunelm (including coffee) before taking me into Tesco against my better judgement. Really and truly I am never ever ever taking Red into a supermarket ever ever again.

Back to school for a meeting about fundraising. We want to keep 2 of the chicks and would ideally like an Eglu. There are a few things in the pipeline but if anyone has any brilliant ideas/suggestions on how to raise money I would love to hear them!

So the day in nearly over, only tea to cook, Bella's swimming lesson and Lily's Rainbows and then I plan to veg in front of the second part of Birdsong...

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