All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Work in progress

I was working from home again today. So much easier doing the nursery run then only 2 minutes back to the house work rather than the daily comute into Edinburgh. I love it!

The decorator has now started the walls of the 2 bedrooms we're getting done. I nearly had heart failure when I saw the dark grey on the outside of this tin as I was sure we'd chosen a pale grey. Turns out that's NOT the colour inside though - phew!

He hasn't been staying very long each day so far though. An hour yesterday and an hour and a half today. Hope he puts in a longer day tomorrow as the house is currently upside down with furniture all over the place, new bed getting delivered tomorrow, Granny & Grandpa coming to stay on Thursday night and my pal and her 2 young boys coming on Friday for the weekend. Eeek!

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