
By tookie

A Photo Mart Day!

Sunday in Spokane Goose had lots of homework to do so Gander---son Martin- and I went out looking for good shots in the recent snowfall. It began as a glorious day so we went to Manto park , then to check out a lovely church, and ended up at Spokane Falls State Park. Lots of shooting opportunities but then the snowfall began again and we retreated back indoors! I even blipped a couple cute Robins sitting in trees by the church. A fun day sharing our love of photography and , of course, each other. (awwww!.) Thanks for another lovely day kids.

Martin is an Instructional assistant at a local Spokane High School in a Special Ed. program, additionally works a few days in a foster home with kids, and is a DJ for a community radio station Tuesday nights! He hopes to get into a program to become certified to teach after Goose lands a job! They are busy kids and I love them both so much!!! I certainly enjoyed being introduced to so many of their favorite yummy vegan foods!

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