
By tookie

Inspecting Vivian!

This was Nanna K's--Aquamarines's favorite Vivian Maier print which was one of many we saw at the exhibit in Seattle. here My only disappointment was there were too few of her prints on exhibit! I wanted to see more. I do have books filled with her prints so I have seen them that way, but it's always better seeing them framed and larger. We discussed "what is street photography" and isn't so much of it subjective as in all art. We discussed taking shots with people looking at you or ones where they are not. The black and white of it all too was discussed.

Before we perused all the prints K generously treated me to a scrumptious meal at the wonderful Coastal Kitchen not far from the exhibit. Afterwards we checked out at place where they sell a large array of organic yummy premade meals as K is on strike against cooking right now:) And then back to her home---really her home is an art museum to me with her own paintings and also artwork from many other northwest artists. She has so many wonderful things collected from trips and walls that she has painted murals of her own on.....I could spend hours just looking...even the "loo" has jungle painted walls! No world problems were resolved but much good conversation took place...thanks K until another day!!!

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