Turning Point

By MamaFi

'Forever Friends'

Dot and I went off to Perth to buy some Annie Sloan paint which she uses to renovate furniture. She has been experimenting with more complicated painting techniques since becoming the owner of a much dreamed of, second home in France. It is now furnished with beautiful pieces which she has collected and restored.

We met at school, Dot and I. It's of consequence that we went on to marry young, produce four children each, of the same sex, in the same order, and at almost the same time. Our children have grown up together and therefore, a special fondness exists between the families.

Our oldest daughters, Ciara and Lucie share cherished memories, but rarely get together nowadays due to their busy lives. They managed to catch up briefly this evening when Ciara visited for a few hours on a round trip from Glasgow, especially to see Lucie. There was huge excitement and ear-popping fun!

I took this photo just as Ciara was about to leave. I've titled it 'Forever Friends' because of it's obvious suitability, and after the 80's Hallmark brand of teddy bears that became familiar to them at that time.

Dot and I have been reminiscing and I'm asking advice about colour schemes as well as some important issues, but she's drifted off to sleep. There are so many things left to discuss and she needs to leave early in the morning. I must remember to pick her brains re bathroom tiles, mention an old school friend I've discovered on fb, and ask her to give L & L's mood boards a once over before she goes...

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