Turning Point

By MamaFi

Some Supper

A telephone call with J this morning led me to extend a supper invitation to her and her family in exchange for some valuable business advice for L & L. Dorothy, my friend who is an angel in human form, had already planned to come up from Glasgow. She was anxious to catch Lucie before she disappears with Lachlan again.

Lucie told me that I needed a 'proper' hug as I don't receive enough of these nowadays. We properly hugged and I agreed. She called Lachlan in to do the same but I told him to wait 'til I've lost some weight.

We had a lovely evening and laughed a lot. The teenagers were chillaxing in the little room and I took this photo when I popped my head around the door mid-eve.

Dot is sleeping in my bed and we are putting the world to rights until one of us falls asleep - not sure who will be first.

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