This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today we stayed in and enjoyed the sun. I blogged and we read in the sun that filled Stewart's living room/studio and listened to music.

I really like Stewart's music collection, because I get the chance to hear so many of the originals that have later become samples in other songs I know and love. It is just fun to hear a section of a song and say... Oh, this is from Public Enemy, Portishead, Fat Boy Slim.. etc... etc.. I think it very cool that Stewart has the originals.

We had Chinese food delivered for dinner and I did some family research. The majority of the day felt like a vacation and it was much needed and enjoyed.

Now, I have got sixty-eight days left to get busy doing and enjoying this city, traveling, seeing everyone I need to see, and doing some art things. Tourist photographs will resume shortly.

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