Nir Levy Photography

By nir

Playing Michael Phelps

Wow, this first year of senior year has been long. And on top of that, yesterday seemed to be just as long as the week, I can't believe I missed my blip that day. Perhaps because I took a midday nap, perhaps because I wrote a resume for the first time and filled out two college apps, or perhaps I was busy being amazed with the gymanstics team and Michael Phelps.

So today, I finally did it. Michael Phelps inspired me to the point of driving me to go to the neighborhood pool to swim laps. Was my 2nd time this summer at the pool, strange with the summer almost over. Today I also have finalized my list of colleges I plan on applying to, and in an attempt to have someone convince me otherwise, I inform this community I have absolutely no intention in majoring in anything photography related. Though I would jump at a chance to take a class or two, but my schools of choice do not have photography programs anyways. I do see myself, though, as the kid on campus with a camera always going to the events and games as I have done in High School.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

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