Sweet, Sweet Mr C

Day one of recovery for Mr C.

M was home from work today.

Mr C did really well last night...just one dose of pain medicine. Eating really well, and not in too much pain.

As the day went on, he definitely perked up.

Around 1:30, I heard a door shut as I was upstairs cleaning. I found an empty couch where a Mr C should be. Thinking maybe he was tucking himself into bed for a nap, I found him in his room half dressed, proclaiming he was getting ready to "go outside."

Sooooo glad he is feeling quite well, but also trying to come up with creative ways to keep his activity at a minimum level over the next few weeks.

Here he his giving me "the look" as I was negotiating with him sitting in the stroller vs. walking in the gravel.

Sweet, sweet Mr. C :)

We are so very fortunate to have so many that think of and care about us. Thanks to those of you who called, sent messages, offered help, and dropped off goodies...we are so very fortunate to have you in our lives!

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