A Bad Workman .....
The day didn't quite work as I'd hoped. Had gone to bed last night thinking my fish had eaten the sick one (slightly appalled as Danios are supposed to be peaceable) but found it dead behind a stone this morning - apologies to the fishes.
Cooked a load of chilli for freezing and did some laundry then got embroiled into helping G. Several hours later tried to get a blip for the day with my old camera - then realised that the time and date stamp had got switched on with my fiddling! Managed a shot of the evening sky but the memory was full - G has the card for this camera and the card for my Canon freezes the compact!
So prizes for pointing out the major errors in this late night blip - Giant flower vase, mini cat and overexposed orange peel foreground!
going in to Glasgow with DSLR tomorrow - fingers crossed!
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