Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The Hare family

I pass these gravestones every day and they often make me think about the lives people led at different times and how their thinking must have been quite different from ours. The gravestones indicate just how commonplace premature death was. Death was, I suppose, part of life, infant mortality was high, it was not unusual to reuse a name of a deceased child for the next one that came along. This just seems to prove to me how little we understand of what goes on in other people's heads. I quite like graveyards. I don't find them morbid; they are good places to rest and take stock. Maybe that is because Mrs T drags me round them searching for clues from the past, intrigued by the stories of people's lives guessed at rather than revealed and looking for the cultural differences between cemeteries in different countries. Perhaps she has converted me.

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