Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin

Punk Snowdrops

Swift blip - I wish. I thought I'd done with snowdrops but I'm getting on well with my writing so popped out in to the garden for the aforementioned and just as a bee goes straight to the shiny flowers when it's sunny, so did I - again.

Unlike the last snowdrop which was pure and unsullied, the ones here have been through the mill some, processed to within an inch of their life. I guess (and yes this is a guess) that it's a bit like applying make-up. It's easy to overdo it. But like a trannie in the making who's got hold of his mum's lipstick, I just wanted to see what it would be like if I applied a bit of this and that. And, like a trannie in the making, I probably decided erroneously that it looked OK.

So if the last snowdrop was trying to be as delicate as a ballet dancer, these here are strictly punk. What a pity I don't have a teenage mutant Ninja snowdrop - it could be worth something.

Having said that I've just looked at the image again and I'm happy that it's achieving what I wanted - to get the flowers to glow. I think the yellow crocus in the background helps.

I realise that to do such a thing to a sharp and nicely exposed image may be considered sacrilege in some. But what the hell, this is a blip and tomorrow there'll be another and very soon the snowdrops and the crocuses will have gone. Happy blipping folks.

PS. An added note. Like a lot of fellow blippers I've been thinking quite a bit about photography lately and what this site is achieving and put some thoughts in to a blog today (taking another opportunity to show off my snowdrops).

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