Back at work

It's in close-ups like this one that you notice how dirty the keyboard gets...I should probably clean it.

Back at work and immediately very busy. It's as if everyone had just waited for me to return from holiday to ask questions, give me things to look at and all the things that had built up before I went away. I had forgotten how much time some of the things take (like laying-out the magazine for instance...) but I like it when it's busy.

It seems easier to get up in the mornings now, I've just had a break so that helps but it is definitely much lighter in the mornings now so I was early for once. The kids however decided to sleep for longer so I had to wake them to get them out of the house and we still managed to be rather late.

Ever since we got back our boiler is not working properly and we have no heating. This makes getting out of bed more difficult for the kids, however, I can't complain, being in a flat, surrounded by four other flats our flat is still relatively warm. The plumber will come and see the boiler either tomorrow or Wednesday, an end is in sight. (And I'm informed that it will get really rather warm come the middle of the week anyway...)

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