
By schlimm

Reflection at the Canal

Settling back into the normal routine after the holidays.

In the afternoon, L went to see her friend L and we took A and S down to the Water of Leith Visitor's Centre. It was cold getting there but we still managed to eat our sandwiches at the playpark halfway there. A tea and two hot chocolates later we walked all the way back again, this time along the canal. It's a shame that the walkway doubles up as dog toilet, you constantly have to ask the children not to walk on the grass for fear of dirty, smelly soles.

Oh, and the cyclists of course but they usually indicate their presence. The walk was nice and we got to see two buzzards above our heads using the thermals to gain height, it was rather amazing.

Picking up L later I was able to listen to music on the way (I had somehow forgotten my mp3 player for a long time) and really enjoyed the experience. Unfortunately my friend was not too well so I stayed for a while and listen to her woes.

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