Having the Blues

You can tell that this basement is not in a conservation zone; but it brightened my walk this morning along a busy main road to meet up with fellow cyclists.

It really is this blue and certainly stands out among its neighbours of drab grey stone; though I'm not sure how entranced I would be with the colour if I lived next door.

I have bloggers block today and can't think of anything constructive to write.
I'm not ill, or tired, or depressed, or busy, or otherwise engaged. Nor do I have the blues as does this basement flat; it just seems that my brain is off duty and I have nothing worth writing.

But I have been listening to a Scotland the What joke on You Tube, and laughing a lot.
I'd like to share it with you all, knowing that you will only understand and find it funny if you have a gene or two from Aberdeenshire.

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