Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

The breeze in your hair

This is valuable. It is, honest.

What you are looking at is the chassis of an airportable lightweight Land Rover. The whole machine was nearing it's use by date and was worth about £200 as a whole for scrapping. BUT, the owners have taken it to pieces and sold all the components on E-Bay, the final bit is the chassis and wheels. It's worth heaps in bits, a lot more than £200. The chassis alone is worth £150.

If you have never owned a Landy, or driven one you have not lived. They are a world of their own. Whilst scaring yourself silly at ludicrous speeds, eg 45 mph, you can be amazed by the inefficiency of the braking system, the cavalier attitude to directional stability provided by the less than accurate steering and finally the thumping noise that remains with you for hours after driving - that is known as the engine.

British motoring at it's best. Well, British motoring anyway. :-))

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