Noisy Shoes

2years 113days

Today was the first time Katie danced in her tap shoes, and oh boy did she love it! The smallest tap shoes are still a little too big for her, but she did fabulously with them. She loved ballet today and the teacher commented at the end how much more involved she'd got. She wouldnt let the teacher touch her to help correct her but it will come. There were a couple of new things this week. She watched the first couple of times, not wanting to join in, then threw herself into it when she knew exactly what to do, beam on her face. During the break for putting tap shoes on, she took advantage of having the studio space to herself and had an amazing time going round in her new tap shoes. She loved them so much!!

She was asleep very quickly after dancing, and slept until swimming. She had a really good swim today and was really cooperative with doing what Sarah asked, when Sarah asked it! She loved doing push and glides today, on her own, hurling herself under the water. When it was superman arms across the pool time, she decided instead that she would swim, getting quite a distance.

After swimming, she went with our friend Sarah to play at the big play centre. She had three hours charging round, and was fearless with all of it, even going down the big slide on her own, not on someone's knee. She was playing with one of her nursery friends and had a lovely time.

I picked them up later on and we all went for a carvery tea. She ate the biggest yorky pud! At pudding time she got a big icecream, which she ended up drinking from the glass

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