Looking for you

15 months 21 days

Katie's blip is her looking. She did it a lot of looking round this morning. For her bestie I think. We miss you, Bobbins and your mummy, get better soon xxxx

We went to gymnastics, she was enjoying climbing to go down a wooden slide and piling a mound of beanbags into a big barrel. Over and over. She knew all the actions to the songs we did. Only once did she try to escape to the preschool class.

Soft play was less horrific than last week, she played on the slide a few times before some bigger children arrived. She retreated to the corner, then sat in teh soft pit eating her crackers!

We had coffee with a friend. Katie had a proper children's meal, she ate a good bit of it but had spotted the yogurt and wanted that! She went fast to sleep very quickly afterwards.

After her sleep it was her swimming class. It's a new block of ten this week so there were loads of new babies, inluding a 3 month old. There was also a new toddler Katie's age, so we felt a bit better, as they do different to the tiny babies. Her teacher was in the water today and Katie kept swimming up to her, grinning. Today she said 'splish splash' and 'kick kick' during her lesson. She has also started saying 'uh-oh' and putting her hands to her mouth, which is kinda cute. 'Gone that' is something she's started saying when she's dropped/thrown something away. I love when they start having their little phrases/words of their own!

She's just taken 15 minutes to load the washing machine, item by item, but she was very proud of herself.

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