Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB


Welcome to our Winter Wonderland! Yes, the cold snap has arrived here with a vengeance.

Winds are gusting up to 3 mph and temperatures have plummeted from a seasonal norm of 3c to a limb snapping 1c.

Th arctic storm that never materialised has not taken the local councils by surprise and no gritters have been sent out onto the streets. A spokesman for the council said, "No gritters are being sent out".

An outraged resident spokesman for Action group "People Against Anything We Fancy" said, "We are furious, no gritters have been sent out".

Anxious and stressful, residents of one street not yet blocked by the Siberian snows said, "We're all deeply offended that no gritters have been sent out".

Mini-celeb Z lister weather girl said, "Layer up. have a good one".


Remember, where there's blame there's a claim. If you haven't slipped in the snow and been injured maybe we can get you three grand for whiplash when you anticipated slipping but didn't?

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